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​Press Release

2020. 11.30.


Tokyo Africa Collection to Partner with MUS.ZA to have POP-UP Store in Raffles Hotel Singapore

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Tokyo Africa Collection Inc. partners with MUS.ZA, a jewelry shop in Singapore to have a pop-up shop in Raffles Arcade, Raffles Hotel Singapore. MUS.ZA is temporarily extending the store for its charity fundraising, and the Tokyo Africa Collection and several other partners are participating in it to have a collective pop-up store. Part of the sales will be donated to ADA (Alzheimer's Disease Association). 


This is second project for Tokyo Africa Collection in Singapore to promote African brands. This time, Tokyo Africa Collection features 4 African fashion brands - KARSSH Collections (Rwanda), Sahorn Design (Rwanda), Touch of Rwanda (Rwanda) and Winnie G Fashions (South Sudan). The pop up starts from 30th November.

KARSSH Collections (Rwanda)
The fashion brand of Karen Uwera, Rwanda’s leading designer. She also serves as the chairperson of the Rwanda Fashion Designers Association. Karen started his career in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, and after moving to Rwanda, she launched her own brand, KARSSH Collections. Most recently, she participated in Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Kigali. 

Sahorn Design (Rwanda)
The fashion brand by Rwandan designer Sandrine Horn Murorunkwere based in Germany. Growing up in a Burundi SOS children's village (NGO facility), after Genocide in 1994, she went to Rwanda to find her parents, but it was turned out that both of them were killed in the incident. Hoping to become a fashion designer, she opened a small shop in Kigali. After that, she moved to Germany and started spreading the attractiveness of Rwanda to Europe through made in Rwanda fashionable clothes. 

Touch of Rwanda (Rwanda)
The fashion brand by young Rwandan designer, Shema Charlotte. She has participated in Rwandan fashion weeks such as Kigali Fashion Week and Rwanda Cultural Fashion Show but is also active internationally as she has showcased for Busan Fashion Week in Korea and Tokyo Africa Collection in Japan. The brand has two stores in Rwanda with a wide lineup from men, women's smart casual, kids to accessories.


Winnie G Fashions (South Sudan)
The fashion brand by a young South Sudanese designer, Winnie Godi. She is a female entrepreneur expanding her business and activity worldwide. She started Winnie G Fashions in South Sudan under the civil war. After making her debut in Rwanda, she has participated in various international fashion weeks in African countries such as Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania and made her debut in Asia as well at Tokyo Africa Collection 2019 in Japan. She was also covered in NHK (Japanese national TV station) for her participation in the Tokyo Africa Collection. She was nominated for the East African Designer of the Year at Swahili Fashion Week, the largest fashion show in East Africa. She received the STA award for best fashion designer in 2019. She is dreaming of revitalizing the South Sudan fashion industry and being a worldwide fashion designer.


MUS.ZA (Host) 

With fine jewelry masterpieces that are museum worthy being showcased, MUS.ZA perfectly complements the newly refurbished Raffles Arcade, Raffles Hotel Singapore. Spearheaded by the indomitable Esther Ho, the boutique offers both Singaporeans and international visitors alike an exclusive preview into the world of modern aristocrats

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Boenga (Pop-up Partner)

One of the leading floral design companies in Singapore, they specialise in thematic events and weddings. Each piece is designed and crafted like living sulptures. Harijanto Setiawan - founder and Principal Floral Designer of Boeng - creates floral designs that marry the essence of design such as form, rhythm & movement, colours & textures with the softness, or rigidity and fragility of exotic floral and foliages.


ART NOW (Pop-up Partner)

Comprising a state-of-the-art gallery space, a lifestyle retail store, a furnishing space and a members’ lounge, ART NOW is a bold and innovative concept that offers the best in the fields of contemporary art and design. Classical art masterpieces sit alongside contemporary furnitures by Manfredi Style, Gallerie Philia, Scarlet Splendour, and more, as well as curated selection of object d arts, accessories, ready to wear and other fine curios that are unique to the space.

Tokyo Africa Collection Inc. 

Tokyo Africa Collection is a fashion initiative featuring fusion of Tokyo cultures and African designs. Tokyo Africa Collection has organized its annual fashion show in Tokyo since 2016 and it has initiated sales of selected African fashion brands in Japan. Since 2016, we have had more than 2000 audience in our fashion shows. In 2019, Sayaka Akimoto, former AKB48 member, was assigned as special show director for its annual show Tokyo Africa Collection 2019. 3 Rwandan brands (Sahorn Design, KARSSH Collections, and Touch of Rwanda), 1 South Sudanese brand (Winnie G Fashions), and 1 Nigerian brand (KEEXS) have participated in Tokyo Africa Collection 2019. Items selected from these brands are available in its pop-up shop at MUS.ZA, Raffles Hotel Singapore. Tokyo Africa Collection have been covered in various media including NHK (Japanese national broadcaster), the Japan Times, WWD, NIKKEI, Asahi Shinbum, Mainichi Shimbun, an an, and other fashion and mass media.

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KARSSH Collections (Rwanda)

ルワンダのファッションデザイナー協議会会長を務めるデザイナーKaren Uweraのブランド。Karenはウガンダの首都カンパラでキャリアをスタートし、ルワンダに移った後は自身のブランドKarssh Collectionsを立ち上げた。直近では、Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week KigaliやKigali Fashion Weekで作品を披露。ルワンダのファッションデザイナーをけん引する存在。

Sahorn Design (Rwanda)

ドイツをベースに活動するルワンダ人デザイナーSandrine Horn Murorunkwereによるブランド。ブルンジのSOS子供の村(NGOの施設)で育ち、ジェノサイドの後、両親を探しにルワンダへ行くも、二人とも殺されてしまっていたことを知る。ファッションデザイナーになることを志し、キガリに小さいショップをオープン。その後ドイツに移住し、服を通してヨーロッパでルワンダの良さを伝える。将来的には、ルワンダに戻り、多くの人に職を提供したいと思っている。

Touch of Rwanda (Rwanda)

ルワンダの若手デザイナーShema Charlotteによるブランド。Kigali Fashion WeekやRwanda Cultural Fashion Show等国内のファッションショーで頭角を現し、韓国のBusan Fashion Weekに招待され、作品を披露するなど国際的にも活躍する。男性用スマートカジュアルから子供服まで幅広いラインをそろえ、国内に2店舗を構える。

Winnie G Fashions (South Sudan)

南スーダン人デザイナーWinnie Godiによるブランド。内戦下にある南スーダンで、自身のブランドを立ち上げ、世界へ羽ばたこうとしている女性起業家。ルワンダでファッションショーデビューした後は、ガーナ、ケニア、タンザニアなどアフリカ各国のファッションショーで活躍。2019年、Tokyo Africa Collectionでアジアデビューし、NHK総合テレビで取り上げられる。東アフリカ最大のファッションショーSwahili Fashion Weekでは、東アフリカデザイナー・オブ・ザ・イヤーにノミネートされ、2019年にはSTAアワードを受賞。南スーダンのファッション業界の復興と世界で活躍することを夢に活動している。

MUS.ZA (主催) 


Boenga (共催)

シンガポール随一のフラワーデザイン企業。数多くのイベント・結婚式等を手がける。創設者・プリンシパルフラワーデザイナーのHarijanto Setiawanはシンガポールフラワーデザイナー協会の会長も務め、数多くの賞を受賞。MUS.ZA主催のポップアップストアに参加し、内装も手掛ける。

ART NOW (共催)

シンガポールのラッフルズホテルのアートギャラリー。最先端のギャラリースペースに加え、ライフスタイル小売店、家具スペース、メンバーズラウンジで構成される。Manfredi Style、Gallerie Philia、Scarlet Splendourなどのコンテンポラリー家具のほか、厳選されたオブジェ、アクセサリー、プレタポルテ、骨董品などが並ぶ。MUS.ZA主催のポップアップストアに参加。

Tokyo Africa Collection

Tokyo Africa Collection (株式会社東京アフリカコレクション)は、東京のテイストを取り入れつつ、新しい形でアフリカのブランドを主に日本・アジア各国で広めるファッションイニシアティブ。アフリカ各国の日本では知られていない魅力を、日本の10-20代のアフリカ無関心層に届けることを目的にしたファッションショーの企画・運営を主に行い、これまで2000名以上の観客を動員。大使館や行政機関と協働し、アフリカ各国のブランドを招聘・PRする一方で、アジアやヨーロッパのその他のアフリカ関連のファッションプロジェクトとは異なり、一貫して、アジア系のモデルを中心に起用。10-20代の若年層のニーズや嗜好を反映したキャスティング・ブランディング・演出に力を入れています。期間限定ショップでの服の販売や、アフリカ各国のPRプロジェクト等、ファッションショー以外にも幅広く事業を展開しています。Tokyo Africa Collectionの活動はNHK、Japan Times、WWD、日本経済新聞、朝日新聞ほか国内外多数のメディアに取り上げられてきました。

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